Dani Serpa's profile

Diário do Olivier - França - ABERTURA - GNT

Opening of the GNT TV show - Diario do Olivier - Summer 2017

The French cook Olivier Anquier travels through France with his wife Adriana in search of the french traditional dishes.
Inspired by posters from the south of France, the opening uses the illustration to represent some of the places that Olivier visits.

To reinforce the poster idea some animations were made with few frames.


Design e Animação // Design and Motion Design: Daniela Serpa
Sonorização // Sound Design : Conrado Kempers
Atendimento // Account Manager: Sandro Machado
Coordenador de Criação // Creative Coordinator: Monica Puga
Gerente de Criação // Creative Manager: Marcio Pimenta
Gerente de Comunicação e Branding // Communication & Branding Manager: Ricardo Moyano
Cliente // Client: Canal GNT, Globosat.
Diário do Olivier - França - ABERTURA - GNT

Diário do Olivier - França - ABERTURA - GNT
