Jordan T. Robinson sin profil

Ace Academy Playground Project

The PlayPad

A charter school in Harrisburg, North Carolina, had commissioned me to turn their unused parking lot into a blacktop playground. I was commissioned to design the playground and then later implemented the designs.
Redesign of Parking lot into Playground
Before Images
Overhead (Arial View)

After making the official redesign, I later redesigned the parking lot, as the administration of the school had to make adjustments for the next school year. I later resubmitted the design before the implementation of the project had been done and proceeded to work on the final stage.
Revised Version
Final Version
Final Touch-ups

After the completion of the playground, now named "The PlayPad", the principle and administration later commissioned me to build a curriculum related to the PlayPad. This curriculum gave teachers resources and instructions to using the playpad and its designs. This way, teachers can generate ideas about building their lesson plans around kids playing on the playpad. I made both a digital and print PDF instructional document for both teachers and students. The file can be sent via email and the link to the Sway with  educational content can be found here.
Ace Academy Playground Project


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Ace Academy Playground Project

A renovation project, turning an unused parking lot into a black-top playground with interactive materials to enhance learning.
