Profil użytkownika „Fábio Mansos”

Lisbon's Metro Redesign

No ambito académico da cadeira de Projeto de Design de Comunicação II (ESAD.CR) foi desenvolvido um pequeno projeto promocional à rede de linhas do Metropolitano de Lisboa em parceria com o Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa. Numa tentativa de promover o encontro do mundo animal com a capital de Portugal, realizei uma transformação total das linhas de metro de forma a evidenciar um dos animais presentes no zoo e posteriormente a atribuição de um "catch-phrase" que acompanhasse o novo mapa de metro disponível nos mupis das estações de Lisboa.

In the class of Project of Communication Design II (ESAD.CR) was developed a small promotional project for The Lisbon Metro in association with the Lisbon Zoo. In an attempt of promoting the meeting of the animal world with the capital of Portugal I transformed the whole network of subways in a way to make an animal shape noticeable and further a catch-phrase that would come along with the new map of subways to be available on the moopies of Lisbon.
"Being with trunks? That's an elephant thing." was the catch-phrase chosen since in Portugal we have a saying that when someone is being moody "está de trombas" (is with trunks).
ESAD.CR 2017, Academic Work*
UC Communication Design II
Prof. João Maio Pinto
Fotografias:; aCalopsia (Bruno Campos, 2014)

*This is a fictional project, the Lisbon Metro did not have any affiliation with the development of it.

Thank You
Lisbon's Metro Redesign

Lisbon's Metro Redesign

In the class of Project of Communication Design II (ESAD.CR) was developed a small promotional project for The Lisbon Metro in association with t Rozwiń


