In a normal week, I typically work on three to four bulletins at the same time to make sure there'd be enough time for proofing. I come in Monday and take the information I have and fill out templates that I've made and then reach out to the departments that I still needed content from. When I wasn't working on bulletins there would always be another project to do. Whether editing/publishing videos, web work or print projects from other departments, it was easy to stay busy.
In the time I have been working at First Lutheran Church I can count on one hand how many bulletins that I didn't make.
On top of bulletins, we occasionally have inserts that would go into the bulletins. Sometimes I would have a day or two to ponder ideas but most the time I'd have an hour or two to go from a block of text to finished layout.
It might sound odd but I love being in the Adobe software. No matter how many bulletins were due for print the next day or corrections that had to made to a "done" project, I loved it. I started at First Lutheran right out of school and needless to say didn't know if I'd be able to keep up with the workload. After gaining my bearings I had nothing to worry about and this job hasn't felt like work since.
First Lutheran

First Lutheran
