Henkilön 08 AM profiili

The Villains Project_part1 [the Batman Villains 01~10]

The Villains Project_part1
the Batman Villains
March 2013. 
I have plan, exhibit together with other Artist at same place.
Theme is "Villains". 
I Draw the big illustration.
i choice the batman VS Villains. 
I want to create a big picture, So, I'll draw many villains.
I Draw a villain of each, and last collect.

* This work is just a personal work.
Objectivelimit date, 2013.02
Sketchcolored pencils
Title Graphic DesignTypo Design illustratorEffect photoshop
Process and Illustration
V_01 the Joker
V_02 Riddler
V_03 the Penguin
V_04 Harley Quinn
V_05 CatWoman
V_06 Mr.Freeze
V_07 ClayFace
V_08 KillerCroc
V_09 Bane
V_10 AntMan
background image.
Batman logo is split in half. 
because villains become more powerful.
The presence of a powerful villain Batman.
Presence of each other, because there is.
Thanks for watching my work.
Have a nice day~! :-)
The Villains Project_part1 [the Batman Villains 01~10]

The Villains Project_part1 [the Batman Villains 01~10]

February 2013, this project will be. Purpose for making the big picture. 40 Villains VS Batman And, complete work after, I will continue. :-)
