color exploration, composition study
This project was a study of color manipulation, particularly in Photoshop CS5. We were to take dull stock photos and recolor them, crop them, and play with composition. I took three completely different photos and composed them in such as way that in a triptych, the three as a whole would make sense. In this way, it was crucial that the composition of the images as well as the color editing worked together to bring together three disparage images. 

The line of the horizon create a relationship between the three images, and the red of the buildings help move the eye between the images as well. The starkness of the saturated reds and bright yellows also magnetize the connection between them.
Color Triptych

Color Triptych

A triptych combining images that were previously dull, uncolored stock photos. Created a strong relationship between the three images through use Read More
