Profil Roxana Nita

Superheroes Alphabet - 36 Days of Type

Superheroes Alphabet - 
#36daysoftype 2017
During this year's #36daysoftype challenge I thought of combining my love for comics with my love for minimalist illustrations. So I began creating an illustrated alphabet that pays tribute to different superheroes and villains. Keeping a minimalistic style, each one of the 26 letters aims to capture the features of a particular character through geometric form, colors, specific symbols and so on.
I had some fun with it, hope you enjoy it.

A |Aquaman
B | Batman
C | Catwoman
D | Daredevil
E | Elektra
F | Flash
G | Green Lantern
H | Harley Quinn
I | Ironman
J | The Joker
K | Krypto
L | Loki
M | Magneto
N | Nightwing
O | Omega Red
P | The Punisher
Q | Quicksilver
R | Riddler
S | Spiderman
T | Thor
U | Ultron
V | Venom
W | Wolverine
X | Professor X
Y | Yellowjacket
Z | Zatanna
Superheroes Alphabet - 36 Days of Type

Superheroes Alphabet - 36 Days of Type

A comics alphabet which pays tribute to superheroes and villains and is designed in a minimalist style.
