Student-Centered Mentorship Training (Canvas)
After researching mentorship training modules, I discovered a Lynda tutorial that supported my learning objectives. Using Mindnode, a visual representation of the course was created.  

First Draft
This is an aerial view of the course. The modules had not been fleshed out yet. 


Second Draft
For the second draft, I broke down the components of each module. A more detailed view of the assessments were formulated during this time. It was decided that the final performance based assessment would be Navigate to Graduate.  


Final Map
In finalizing the plan, it was decided that Navigate to Graduate should be it's own module. While it's an offline game, the learner needs to complete the reflection tasks on the platform. Their final score card is also assessed and made available online. 


Scorecard Assessments
Using the exercise file available in the tutorial, modules were designed to apply the principles in the real world. Weekly scorecard rubrics assess how well the learning objectives were met. Quality Assurance and Team Leaders use these parameters to measure the effectiveness of the mentors calls.

Week 1: Assessment Rubric
The first assessment begins with mentors building trust and rapport with their mentee.

Week 2: Assessment Rubric
Building upon skills from week one, mentors will help students become more resilient through difficult life obstacles. 

Week 3: Assessment Rubric
In the third week, mentors learn how to create action plans with their students to ensure their goals are met. 

Week 4: Assessment Rubric
After practicing these skills, mentors will play Navigate to Graduate. They bring best practices learned from the training, and apply it to the game. This is a safe environment to collaborate and share how they were able to overcome student obstacles. Once the game is complete, mentors apply their knowledge to a final call. The call assesses how well mentors are able to apply the knowledge from the previous weeks. Evaluation of the training will be determined based on student performance and retention rates. 

Student Mentor Course

Student Mentor Course

An interactive four week mentoring program was created using Canvas Instructure. Modules encourage both synchronous and asynchronous interaction. Read More
