Willliam Moritz's profile

Face the Fans: Icons and Avatars

Face the Fans
Icons - Storyboards - Avatars
The Scoop
This is a celebrity interactive gaming company with a focus on social gaming.
It is kind of like fantasy football, but with celebrities trending in real time, via an RSS scraper.
If Lindsay Lohan is in trouble this game knew it and the rewards were great. 
The best part... you were playing against a celebrity host in real time, of course.
All the work below was completed by myself at break neck speed.
It includes 3D Models, Flash Avarts, Flash Icons, and Market Items
Below is the initial Agency your character is working at. And as you can imagine you
can't stay because you have Jerry Mcguire syndrome and the world is your cocktail.
This was a short intro animation createdin HTML 5
This left the ability for movement fairly limited but
opened up all devices and browsers.
The initial story board was produced in one afternoon.
Completing this design with the capabilities of the coding
language in mind forced me to work in a box, while still producing
the best imagery that relied heavily on pacing and shot timing.
The transition from storyboard into final production art was fairly
seamless with few changes made to the designs. This was a
good day, as this rarely happens.
"One of my favorite details are the pictures
hanging on the wall behind the agency owner.
We wanted to tell the story of how he is a egotist. 
There a pictures of him dancing with ZZ Top, 
arm wrestling Arnold Schwarzenegger, and my
personal favorite, shaving Britney Spears head. "
The final image shows a pov of your avatar moving to the front of the
line at the club, this imagery was also used as a holding page while
the game was being developed.
Non Playable Characters
Shakes the Bartender - He was the guy to talk to when you needed some fast answers
Mrs. Quarter Cash - She is the woman who dishes out the "Gigs" or missions the icons for them are at the bottom. 
The Celebrities

Each game was hosted by a different celebrity over the course of 10 days.
The range of celebrities is varies greatly. Two of the most interesting were:
Tay James
whom is the D.J. for Justin Bieber, he was our gate way to the Biebs
Paul Watson
From Whale Wars and his non profit Sea Sheppard, at the time he was an international fugitive.
Player Avatars
"Make them more sexy they said...."
To make something sexy, it needs sexy parts... long legs, a porportion system not three heads tall.
Creating Avatars that anyone who admires a celebrity in any genre would like was an evolving process.
Every personality type was filled. Let me know in the comments which avatar you would choose.
There comes a time in every project when the grinding begins.
It's the part that is massive and someone has got to do it....usually an intern.
In this case it fell on me to design the icons for 182 "Gigs" this games version of missions.
Each required me to create colored and shaded square illustrations that
could hold up at a small scale as well as inlarged with a description.
In the 3 weeks it took to create these, I think there are for more hits than misses.
Market Items
The market items were a great chance to really produce some fun icons
and events that would help to sway the game. We went back and forth
quite a bit in order to decided how much negative effectors should play
against other players.
The guru is probally my favorite icon out of this batch that I created because it
allowed the player to finish any "Gig" instantly. Either that or the intern, which
is based on our intern.

Every game needs it's icons, and this game gave my the chance
to really explore and hone my skills in this area. All of these icons
were created within Photoshop and their was a considerable amount
of adjustments made to find the final look.  ex. The dice was blue
at one point.
Face the Fans: Icons and Avatars

Face the Fans: Icons and Avatars

Storyboards - Icons - Avatars for Face the Fans
