Aaron Cookes profil

Handmade Wooden Headphones

A Work in Progress
 After my Bose Triport headphones stopped working, I determined the cause was simply a short in the headphone cable.  What started out as an idea to simply re-cable the headphones ballooned into a full-fledged creation of a new pair of headphones from scratch (and some found objects).  

I decided I would salvage the drivers from the Bose headphones, build new ear cups out of walnut, and tie it all together with a headband from an old pair of headphones from the 1970's.

Below is the photographic evidence of the journey so far...
These are not my pair of Triports.  Mine were in MUCH worse condition!
The old headphones whose headband will provide the structure for my new headphones.
  The precious pieces of the headband to be reused.
I utilized Sketchup to create a rough idea of what the ear cups would look like, how they could be constructed, and how they may function.
The raw, unturned slab of walnut that holds my, at this point, un-made ear cups captive.
Handmade Wooden Headphones

Handmade Wooden Headphones

A Work in Progress...
