Profiel van Catherine Lee

Wings of a Snowy Owl

2012 Spring Semester
Spatial Design Class taught by Christina Bertoni
 Wings of a Snowy Owl
"Wings" Final Project  
Create a pair of wings+headdress inspired by a bird.
My bird of inspiration is the Snowy Owl.
Material experimentation board.
Work in process. Studio.
First time wearing the wings on the body.
The wings can be contracted and folded.

Each feather is connected by a continuous fishing line to control the movement when the wings are spread out.
Final Crit. Auditorium.
Presenting on stage with our full costume on!
Group Shot Time. Outside the Auditorium.
While we are taking group shots outside the auditorium...a group of preschoolers walked pass us.
They are really interested in our bird costumes and some even walked to the front to touch our 'wings'.
It really made our day!
Wings of a Snowy Owl

Wings of a Snowy Owl

Bird Wing Project Final Project for 2012 Spring semester Spatial Design Class taught by Christina Bertoni
