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Book Cover Design "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg

My Studio 2D class was given a list of books to research and design a book cover for. I chose Howl by Allen Ginsberg. My cover questions who the hierarchy is, a battle between the government and what Ginsberg says is "the best minds" (the artists, musicians, drop-outs, those who rebelled during the Vietnam War). Ginsberg was part of the Beat Generation, those who advocated personal relief, purification, and illumination. The background color was chosen to represent order, while this invasive dynamic circle fills most of the page. It's a half circle to signify that we're unsure how big it really is. The soldier is shown throwing his fits up to represent those who were against the war. 
Book Cover Design "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg
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Book Cover Design "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg

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