Profilo di Kim Wilson

Vintage Allsorts Graphic Styles

Vintage Allsorts Illustrator Graphic Styles let you create vintage sign writer 3d style vector text effects with one click!
Graphic Styles work in illustrator like photoshop layer styles - but vector! Works on live text, no need to expand text first or run an action - just apply the graphic style to your type object and edit the text as needed. Great for last minute client changes! Load the Allsorts Graphic Style Library, and you will have a palette of 50 graphic styles ready to apply. Includes 3 free tilable vector grunge textures - as graphic styles and included in your swatch palette.

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Vintage Allsorts Graphic Styles

Vintage Allsorts Graphic Styles

Vintage Allsorts - 50 vintage typography graphic styles for illustrator
