El Festival Creativo / The Creative Festival
El Festival Creativo es un espacio de encuentro pedagógico, informativo y lúdico que se ha estructurado para apoyar la labor de orientación profesional, en la que los estudiantes de último año de bachillerato tienen un acercamiento y conocen la Colegiatura y su propuesta de formación, el programa profesional de su interés, sus ventajas, su perfil ocupacional y a la vez, verifican su actitud y aptitud frente a éstas áreas creativas.
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The Creative Festival is a pedagogical, informative and playful space that has been structured for professional orientation, in which senior high school students can approach and get to know more about Colegiatura Colombiana and its training proposal, the professional program of their interest, their advantages, their occupational profile and at the same time, verify their attitude and aptitude towards these creative areas.

Afiche / Poster
Volantes / Flyers
Fichos / Tokens
Festival Creativo


Festival Creativo

The Creative Festival is a pedagogical, informative and playful space that has been structured for professional orientation, in which senior high Развернуть
