Multidisciplinary group project to 
create a web based VR application 

Created wire-frames, user personas, styling, logo, and worked with programmers to ensure consistency throughout website
Services like roll20 provide an excellent way of allowing a user running a tabletop RPG to describe a complex environment to the players. While this is all well and good there is still a large difference between 2D and 3D space, and it is in this difference where miscommunication can arise.

DelVR aims to eliminate this difference by allowing the user to create and save an environment in 2D and have that same environment rendered in 3D. This means that there is no confusion for what a space looks like amongst their players. When it comes to sitting down and playing they can even use DelVR on Google Cardboard device.
Editor Wireframes & Mockups
Editor Interactions
Overall Site Styling
Final Website
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Multidisciplinary group project to  create a web based VR application  Created wire-frames, user personas, styling, logo, and worked with progr Ver mais

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