Mind of the Masons's profile

Arsenal of Artists | Game Over

Arsenal of Artists | Game Over
Art Show hosted by Cosmic Primate Tattoo 

MDR - Thunderbolt | 3" Masonic Dunny Robot - The metal rods along this robots exterior helps attract lightning, fueling it's fuses to let out massive electrical shockwaves. Still learning his true potential, Thunderbolt here knows how to shock 'em all!

Not all the robots were finished in time for the show...but alas, the original starter bots were finished...

MMR - Razorleaf | 2.5" Masonic Munny Robot - The bolted down bud on it's back stores energy, harnessed by the razor edge blade used in battle like a chainsaw. This built up energy allows Razorleaf to dash through battle like a leaf floating on water. He may be slow to start but once he's at the front line, there ain't no stopping him!

MMR - Firefang | 2.5" Masonic Munny Robot - The deadly fangs on this bot make any foe second guess rushing into one on one combat. Firefang also has a secret weapon, he can create a fiery aura generated from his tails, making close encounters unbearable for his enemies. In the heat of battle, you'll get burned!

MMR - Aquatail | 2.5" Masonic Munny Robot - Hydro pumps blast this robot in and out of battle as it sees fit, but it's time I spent mostly off the battlefield. One of a select few who can surf on water and even handle dives for lost treasure. Aquatail is a skilled surveyor and scout, he's always on the hunt to collect it all!

- Base Vinyl Platform: Kidrobot Dunny & Munnyworld Platforms
- Materials Used: Acrylic Paint & Misc. Parts

Thanks for looking!
Arsenal of Artists | Game Over

Arsenal of Artists | Game Over


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