Katherine Gray profili

Music of the Mist - Hand-made Collage

'Music of the Mist'
 3' x 4.5'

Multimedia Collage

(hand cutout images glued on paper)
Medium:  paper, guache acrylics, marker, metallic gold pen

The History of my Collage Art

I have been creating these intricate collages for a number of years now.  The idea for for this type of collage illustration first began with creating small collage envelopes.

 Check out my 'One of a Kind Envelopes' folder for details. 

All of these collage illustrations are cut out by hand using scissors. The images are then glued onto a larger sheet of paper in sections to create the illusion of a landscape. 

Most of these collages are created with paint and marker. Stickers,  gold, copper and/or silver foil and other materials may also be used in some of these works.

For more information on commissions and pricing, please send your inquiries to:  info@kgray.ca.

Music of the Mist - Hand-made Collage
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