Nakba Day (Arabic: يوم النكبة , meaning "Day of the Catastrophe") refers to mass exodus of at least 750,000 Arabs from Palestine that started in 1948, when Palestinians were ruthlessly attacked, massacred and driven from their homes into refugee camps by Zionist terror groups, and never allowed to return in violation of international law.

Israeli Apartheid Week is the annual international series of events aimed at, among others, increasing awareness of the Israeli policy of apartheid against the Palestinians. In 2012 the campaign was held in more than 200 locations and from year to year their number is growing. In 2015 Poznań joined (among others places: Theatre of the Eighth Day, Squot Rozbrat, Cafe Zemsta) organizing a series of events under the slogan "Al-Nakba. Palestinian Wanders

The KEY is a Palestinian symbol of support for the right to return to Palestinians who left their homes since 1948.

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