Branch Bench
Experimental furniture
Do you remember being a child, exploring the nature, climbing trees, seating on a branch? Would you recall these memories? 

The Branch-Bench is an experimental furniture brings natural feel into the urban environment.
I didn't want to bring only memories back, I concentrated on the feel of being young, interviewed many of my friends, they told me many personal stories, about the country life, about the nature, about the first love, and other stories. I obtained many inspiration from these conversations.

The object itself represent these stories. The shape is an abstraction of a tree. The layered wood provides springiness for the seating surface and gives similar feel as you have a seat on a tree-branch. The height  of the seating surface intensifies this feel of the hanging legs as having rest in the nature. You can feel natural, as you perhaps did in the woods when you were a child. And if you have never had rest on a branch you can feel it at last.


In and outdoor steamed plywood experimental furniture.
