 Exploring religion and horror photography. 
I have always be interested in horror photography since I started watching horror, paranormal, sci-fi etc films.
This project didn't start with the idea of stigmata itself though however. I developed through an idea of "crying blood". I did my first shoot, simply with fake blood and bandages, with my cool blonde hair I set the scene on a blank white wall, with some texture. I wanted the main visual impact to be the bright red blood. In editing I enhance the red and whitened and brighten the whites, almost clinic like. I went on to explore what different scenes I could use to create an eerier atmosphere to complement my first shoot. I went on to develop a much darker shoot, with a heavier atmosphere. I now want to develop this project to the outside world and not only achieve my third image in this set, but to document the reaction of the public. 


Horror photography, exploring stigmata in religion.
