The Grey Lantern.
Software Used: Cinema 4D.

Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels

Date of completion: Sunday, August 26, 2012.

Description: I actually modelled this lantern for "The Cabin" where I payed attention to details but I had it placed far away from the camera and one could barely note the details in the model. So I decided to put it up separately as part of my modelling reel.

So here is the "Grey Lantern" up close that I modelled in Cinema 4D. I used a reference from Google Images and even the metal texture was taken from there. I however created the glass texture within Cinema 4D. The light rig I used is from GrayScaleGorilla, a product from Nick Campbell and his team, who have done some incredible plugins to compliment Cinema 4D. You should really check their products out. So the credit for the lighting goes to them. I used Ambient Occlusion and Global Illumination for the final render.
Here is the reference image I used to model the lantern.
And here is the wireframe of the model.
Wireframe of Grey Lantern.
Grey Lantern

Grey Lantern

Modelled of a reference from Google Images and lit using the light rig from GrayScaleGorilla.
