Pet Care, eCommerce

Creative Direction, UX/UI Design, Conversion Oriented Design

ES: Petsy es una tienda en línea especializada en productos para mascotas en México. Ofrece la más amplia selección de productos en el mercado local para una gran variedad de mascotas.

EN: Petsy is a pet care online store based in Mexico that offers the wider product selection in the local market for a wide variety of pets.

Logo Variants

ES: Se desarrollaron Logos monocromáticos para mejorar la apariencia de la marca en medios que no permitían color
EN: Monochromatic logos were developed to improve the brand image through media where color wasn’t allowed.

Corporate Color Palette

Sub-Brands Logos

UX/UI Design

ES: Se rediseño el sitio completamente, para mejorar la experiencia del sitio en general y generar un diseño optimizado para diferentes tipos de dispositivos.
Este rediseño ayudó a  consolidar la identidad visual de la marca, entonces en proceso.

EN: The site was completely redesigned. The goal was to improve the site overall experience and to come out with a design optimized for different kind of devices.
This redesign helped to consolidate the visual identity, which was then in progress.

Petsy is a pet care online store based in Mexico that offers the wider product selection in the local market for a wide variety of pets. The chal Read More
