Andrew Lee's profile

度身訂造 |tailor-made

Book Design
Photography/Book Design/Editorial Design

Tailor made  is a book which reflecting the Hong Kong Craftsmanship.
We have interviewed 4 tailor-made clothing and accessory workshops, including Qipao, Glasses, Leather shoes and Suit.
This book is tributes to those who dedicated their lifetime to tailor made and the professional crafters for their passion and pain towards their industries.
度身訂造 走訪了四間提供度身訂造服務的衣飾店鋪, 他們分別提供旗袍、眼鏡、皮鞋以及洋服的訂造。 

Book Design 書 籍 設 計
Patterns and Drawings collected from the draft and order form of the interviewed craftsmen
size      180x250mm 
paper    80gsm Acumen Enso Classic 2.0 
             80gsm translucents paper 牛油紙 
             120gsm single glossy kraft paper 單光白牛 
printing  4C
Key graphics for the book 書 本 的 主 要 元 素
The Key graphics in the book are retrieved from the calligraphy and sketches of the craftsmen in their corresponding order forms

Typographic treatment in section divider  分 隔 頁 的 字 體
Photography 攝 影
written by
 Andrew Lee  Crystal Wong  Maggie Poon  Tiffany Mak  Ken Wong
 photography and design by
Andrew Lee
度身訂造 |tailor-made

Project Made For

度身訂造 |tailor-made

度身訂造 走訪了四間提供度身訂造服務的衣飾店鋪, 他們分別提供旗袍、眼鏡、皮鞋以及洋服的訂造。 在訪問中,我們發現師傅們彼此沒有接觸,卻有很多的共通之處: 他們都是願意為造出一件令客人滿意的產品廢寢忘餐,樂此不疲。 這本作品見證了他們作為工匠對本業的熱情和辛酸。 Tailormade i Read More
