Cost of Coal
'A coal mine in Central India is set to become one of Asia’s largest. At the heart of this aspiration lies the largest democracy’s disregard for consent. Power grids are the umbilical cords linking urban lifestyle to indigenous displacement.'

Words: Aruna Chandrashekhar
Project link: ElseVR/Cost of Coal
Illustrations for Amnesty India

Process: Mapping the human body on power consumption: from the origin in the forestland up to the cities. 
Endless loop of paperwork, sometimes in disproportionate speed shown around three places of power and justice: The Parliament (the brain) the Court (the ear canal) and the Media (the eye).
Cost of Coal

Cost of Coal

Cost of Coal: 'A coal mine in Central India is set to become one of Asia’s largest. At the heart of this aspiration lies the largest democracy’s Read More
