The Learning Lab
Proposed big idea: Learning is more than just grades, it is a big world out there. The tools act as a visual metaphor that bridges the gap between the little ones and the global stage in the future.
poster 1
poster 2
poster 3
Banner Page Take-Over
Idea 1: It starts off with a zoomed in animation of a tiny girl zipping across the body text of the partnered website, later landing on the web banner.
Idea 2: Hijack the website content by mis-spelling certain words. Interactive element is added to add context to the banner.
Real-time Programmatic Bus Shelter Ad
Real-time, weather-triggered Ad. (i.e: Learn about precipitation on a rainy day)
Facebook Carousell Ad
5-second pre-roll Youtube Ad.
The concept of the little ones pumping the 'air balloon', ready to explore the big world out there - was crafted around the 5 seconds count-down 'skip ad' button.
The Learning Lab

The Learning Lab


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