This is the final results of a Character hang tag that we had to design in GRD 230 class for the WWF Endangered Species. We were to pick out a endangered animal then create a hang tag to represent that animal for a plush toy. My chosen animal was the Amur Leopard because of the endangerment of the creature and the help that it needs. If it does not find help in ways to save this animal soon, it will be extinct. The animal's habitat is from Russia so I decided to stick with a nesting doll them and the ballet which Russia is famous for. Also, the color red.
In progress Character... This was towards the final stages of my leopard. I was finishing up on the tutu coloring and getting all the colors to blend. I was going back in to make adjustments to the spots to make them more abstract so they did not all look the same size and shape. I am also going to put the green back into the eyes as well and move the legs around some. 
Beginning character design.. This is the beginning stages of my design process. I see that the tutu needs more shading and the leopard itself needs to have some shading done. The only thing that I am really happy about is the eyes at this point. This is a very time consuming project and trying to get an animal to look animated is a little harder than I would have thought it was going to be. At least for me...

Roughs drawn for design of hang tag for WWF plush toy.. The rough designs were not that hard as far as the shapes to use. I decided to stay within the Russian culture with my designs and stayed with the nesting dolls, the top of the dome roof, the egg shape, and a square with Russian motifs. It was harder drawing the leopard over and over than it was coming up with the shapes.

Final Sketch decision on Character chosen...After doing the many many sketches, and posting in discussion board, this is the final design that was chosen to do. I am going to use it as the dancing ballet leopard and put a tutu on her. We will see how this goes farther along in the process. 

Hand drawn sketches for quick thought on character choices for plush toy.. We were giving a project in GRD 230 to design a hang tag for a WWF plush toy. We were to pick an endangered species and to use that as our inspiration. I chose to do the Amur Leopard because it is critically endangered at the moment and needs all the help it can get right now to keep it from becoming extinct. These are the sketches that I used to start off with for the beginning of my journey.
Custom Hang tag

Custom Hang tag
