No animals were harmed in the making of these props.  All bones were found in their natural environment.
Female goat skull, carved and the grooves painted
Above: "Pickled punks", created from carved vegetables.  "Pickled punks" is an old circus term for wet specimen collections, usually abnormal fetuses, shown at sideshows.  For ethical reasons, my creations are designed not to resemble human mutations or physical abnormalities.  They are also 100% vegan.
"Mr. Sprinkles", materials: Vertebrae, wire, and beads
"One-eyed-Willie", materials: Bones, wire, a marble  (Willie was given to a friend)
Cuiro Cabinet Props

Cuiro Cabinet Props

This is a variety of curio cabinet props I have created out of different materials. No animals were harmed in the making of these props.
