Gonzalo Veloz's profile

Michelle Poler: Speaker and Professional Fear Facer

Michelle, in my opinion, is a professional badass, she faces fears for a living and then empowers others to do the same, to be more precise on what she does, I'm going to quote her website:
" Michelle’s humorous and inspiring speaking style has been captivating audiences across the globe. With authentic storytelling, engaging visuals and her 100 Days Without Fear experience, Michelle will show you how to challenge your comfort zone to tap into your full potential." 

She has given talks and conferences in some of the biggest companies on the planet like Netflix, Facebook, Google, and More.

This Venezuelan has changed a lot of perspectives and has inspired a lot of people to find their potential, and we are euphoric that she had the time to answer a few questions for us. 

Name: Michelle poler
Occupation: Fear facer, speaker, YouTuber
Age: 28 and a half
Country and City Of Origin: Caracas, Venezuela
Current City: New York


What’s the worst stereotype you have encountered?
Anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
What’s the funniest stereotype you have encountered?
“I’m from Venezuela”
“Oh, nice, I have a friend in Argentina.”
Do you feel that is harder for Latinos to succeed in other countries, especially in the U.S?
You can’t generalize, at least, I’ve had an amazing experience living in the US being Latina. I feel there is room for everyone here. I’m not sure in Trump’s America, pero what I’ve experienced so far is equal opportunities. Yes, you have to deal with visa problems, but that is everywhere in the world except for your country, right? Even Venezuelans in Panama have a hard time getting visas.
Do you believe that Latinos are being taken seriously or are being supported in social causes as much as other groups or communities?
I’m not involved in causes, so I have no idea.
What do you think Latinos need to do, to raise awareness about the cultural differences (Between countries and communities) and our positive contributions to society?
Keep demonstrating how impressive and skillful and valuable we are so other’s can see it. In my experience, coming from Venezuela, we have apretty good reputation in the states, at least in NY. Venezuelan’s are crushing it, including myself, I’m pretty proud to say I’m Venezuelan, people associate it with quality people.
Occupation and success

Tell me more about what do you do?
I face fears for a living, haha I love to say that. But most of my time I spend on a plane going from place to place speaking to audiences about courage, inspiring them to get uncomfortable! The rest of my day I’m behind my laptop creating content and editing my videos for youtube.
What’s your favorite part of your occupation?
I love to be independent, have my own schedule, I feel free for the first time in my life. I get to do what I wanted when I wanted, and I have the job of my dreams. It’s a lot of work, long hours and I still can’t complain. I love the impact my talks and videos have on other people.
What’s your proudest day as a Latino in the U.S?
When I see that American’s sell arepas at American places. The coffee shop beneath my building is pretty American; they have avo-toasts, French toasts, granola bowls, acai bowls and arepas, real arepas made out of corn flour. That to me is awesome and makes me proud.


Favorite tradition
Going back to arepas.. every Sunday morning I prepare arepas in my house, that is my favorite tradition. Sometimes I like to invite friends from other nationalities, and they LOVE my arepas, that makes me proud.
Favorite Latino Song or Artist
Anything Reggaeton, let’s say Chino y Nacho because I do love them and their music.
Guilty pleasure Song or Artist
Favorite Latino Movie or show
El Chavo.
Favorite Latino food
Tequeños y empanadas venezolanas.
Words of Encouragement and Hope for others that may not be seeing a positive future for our communities

The world is only moving forward (with or without Trump), no fear, we can do this, together.
Michelle Poler: Speaker and Professional Fear Facer

Michelle Poler: Speaker and Professional Fear Facer
