
Refreshing beauty for Auchan

On the largest French retailers in the world, Auchan has set themselves a challenge: offer their very own health and beauty brand across stores worldwide. COSMIA: a brand aiming for international recognition, all while understanding issues at a local level. 4uatre decided to make the most of the “enjoy beauty everyday” promise and thought up a soft, refined and striking identity with a strong logo: the C of Cosmia, symbolizing renewal and rejuvenation. The agency has worked with Auchan to create the key principles for each range, right through to packaging standardization and the graphic guide.


Branding Agency: 4uatre
Head of Strategy: Johanne Casagrande
Account Director: Alexis Mourouvin
Consultant : Lucie Dano
Creative Director: Camille Vincent
Art Director: Matthieu Sanchez, Benjamin Bertrand, Hugo Couvry
Designer: Kilian Bouet
