Xenjo Journey Online
Oriental Fantasy MMORPG
Project based on popular Chinese novel IP "飘渺之旅".
Designed and produced more than 30 levels for main game and expansion.

Conceptualize. Document. Level Design. Layout. White Boxing.

Terraform. Placeholder Arts. Detailing. Entities Deployment. Events Scripting.
Cities & Headquarters
Social & Functional. Player's Hub. Day Night Cycle. Districts.
Open World
PvE. PvP. Public. Seamless. Quests & Events. Landscape.
PvE. Instances. Co-Op. Linear. Themed. Scripted Encounters.
Battleground & Guilds War
PvP. Competitive. Massive. Objective Sites. War zone.
Game|Level Design
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Game|Level Design

My professional work as a game level designer in Zealot Digital Pte Ltd.

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