Seaside Today
This is designed to inform residents of Seaside Village, Florida, of their options concerning environmentally friendly vehicles. The video was shot in front of a green screen using a Canon XF300; edited in Adobe Premiere Pro 2017; plug-ins used were Ultra Key and Red Giant's Light Wrap. Specific challenges this video presented was condensing the information down to just three minutes; lighting the green screen evenly so that it would key correctly; finally, editing all of the shots together in such a way that they did not look like separate shots, but showed good continuity.
Target Audience: Residents of Seaside Village, Florida
Seaside Today; shot with a Canon XF300; edited in After Effects and Premiere Pro
Seaside Today

Seaside Today

Seaside Today, a video presentation informing the residents of Seaside Village of their options concerning environmentally-friendly vehicles.
