Nastya Lukina's profileМаксим Петров's profile

Private Apiary

Committing to traditions

Client: A major Russian producer and distributor of honey.

Product: Private Apiary — honey collected in a traditional way handled with care by dynasty 
of beekeepers that brings together generations of experience, tradition and hard work. 

Task: To create new label design, featuring it's natural origin, and to emphasize among competitors.

Solution: Embroidery becomes the medium to emphasize special quality of work done by hand.
It tells a story of how honey is born and describes the spirit of traditional Russian tea party — with sweets and long conversations. 

working process

Design/Art Direction: Nastya Lukina
3D visualization: Maxim Petrov
Embroidery: Nastya Lukina

Private Apiary

Private Apiary

Client: A major Russian producer and distributor of honey. Product: 'Private Apiary' — honey collected in a traditional way handled with care by Read More
