Our Services / Design / Event Management / Operations / Build
Badger Hop Inn
Client: Hall and Woodhouse

Mad River was approached by Hall and Woodhouse to create an experiential experience for their brand Badger Beer to help engage with several groups of target consumers and take them on a journey to unearth the diversity of beer.
The solution was a ‘Journey of Discovery’ brand experience based around sampling activity. We wanted something that could tour around the UK, so had to be mobile but also large enough to create the right environment. We took an old army truck and converted this into an impactful mobile pub to take to events. A cosy space was created inside where visitors could come to the bar and sample the beer, whilst the branded canopy sides opened to reveal this space and tempt people in.  Outside signage and seating were also in a pub style to provide an outside space  for sampling engagement.
Printed collateral assets
The Event
Badger Beer

Badger Beer
