Ffish - household products (yes, spelled with two f)

ACM Sigcomm - ACM's professional forum for communications and computers.

[Link to project]

NORTHZONE 20th year anniversary symbol​​​​​​​

LA - Lars Almqvist house restoring consultancy.

[Link to project]

ARTES - Real-time research project supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.
Bilportalen - almost new automotives retailer
Colibri Technology - medical company

Easytec - winter cover system for boats.

[Link to project]

Helénes - Paper and scrap book shop
ICT Uppsala - Information and Communications Technology Group,
gathering ICT companies in the Uppsala region.

INXIT - information technology, and system programming consultants.
jobbet.se - job search agency

Svensk Scenkonst (Swedish Performing Arts) - Organisation that represents more than 100 Swedish companies and organisations within performing arts.

Leanon - information technology consultants
Mailn Westberg - Designer of household products.

[Link to project]

Parapot - Household and gardening products.

Sh academy - Sh bygg house restoring education project.

[Link to project]

Sh bygg - construction company

[Link to project]

Taxibokning - cab booking the web and with apps in smart phones

LOTSA - Career and life style coaching.

[Link to project]

Vaksala Vikings - Junior hockey team

Easystand - boat stands

Logotype - the swedish rock group Harvest Sun
Logotype - 4 recruit, a recruiting tool
Logotype - Safira fashion boutiques
Logotype - ASP THRIVE. 
Logotype: Seven Steps
Logotype: Tavia translations
Logotype: NILS interior, Sweden
Logotype: Arenahotellet, Uppsala
Logotype: Jumps&Turns dance academy, Gothenburg
Logotype: IFU Arena, Swedens biggest arena for floor ball, also housing elite basket and track&field.
25 logotypes

25 logotypes

The portfolio is a collection of marks. Tags Examples logos freelance graphic jobs cards freelancer designer warm director dusk dawn sport events Další informace
