A quest to recreate vintage alcohol posters of yesteryear
A themed creative project coordinated by a colleague - MUA Larissa Palaszczuk of Blonde Moxie Makeup. Her goal was to recreate the makeup and look from a specific vintage poster, which she used as reference when applying makeup to skin, nails, and hair using brushes, sponges, and an airbrush.

After photographing the model in studio, I took the images into Photoshop to recreate the vintage poster look through the use of textures, specialty brushes, and type treatment using sample posters as reference of the style of the time.

The first image is one of the original photos without final "posterization". The other two photos are final edits with full photoshop artistry applied to recreate the vintage feel.

Model: Charlie Quinn
Blonde Moxie Makeup
Photography & photoartistry:
Olena Sullivan | Photolena
Original image without additional "posterization" creative added.
Photo Vintage

Photo Vintage

Themed creative photo shoot to show off the client's MUA skills by recreating a vintage alcohol poster look.
