Goodness for the tummy

Package series I did as my final exam when I attended Berghs School of Communication.
The company, Milko,  has a very "northern" feel, so i decided to play around with one of the things that gives the best feeling of the north: the northern lights.

Each package has a picture on it that shows what flavor it has, a more playful way to flirt with the consumer. They also stands out in the shelves.

I picked the following flavors (that feels most "norrland", the northern part of sweden):

Blåbärsfil (blue berrys) and Lättblåbärsfil (low fat)
Lingonfil (lingonberry) and Lättlingonfil (low fat)
Äpple-och kanelfil (apple and cinimon)
Naturell fil (natural)

Package design
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Package design

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