Profilo di Justin Rentzel

Actual Humans Campaign

Century 21 tasked us with targeting consumers and agents with an anthemic campaign that inspires people to use an actual human, instead of the trendy websites and apps that have flooded the real estate market. The story was told to homebuyers and home sellers through broadcast and digital video. Broadcast focused on the 'why', and digital video takes a more intimate look at the 'who'.
Digital Video
Chief Creative Officer: Steve Red
Executive Creative Director: Steve O'Connell
Creative Director: Todd Taylor
Creative Director: Chris Plehal
Art Director: Justin Rentzel
Copywriter: Chris Plehal
Director: Anton Josef 
Producer: Arthur Gorson
Editor: Chip Schofield
Account Lead: Carla Mote
Account Executive: Bergen Foley

Actual Humans Campaign

Actual Humans Campaign

CLIENT: Century 21 – TV, Digital Video, Print
