D E   L A    S O U L
De La Soul is a vegetarian soul food restaurant located in NY. The scope of this project includes the design of the logo and the menu, incorporating the restaurant experience into the design. 
—the objective of this project is to recreate an engaging dining experience that will have the customers feeling like their at their grandma's house. 
› the mood board of this project included a lot of brick walls, family portraits, and typography from the 60s and 70s. (photos from various sources)
› the logo is designed to reflect the modern take on soul food this restaurant takes
› logos can be easily transferred on recycled vinyl discs with a custom rub-off
› the menu is design to look like a vinyl record song list. it emphasizes the music aspect of soul music and also makes it engaging for the audience. 
› this menu design allows for menus to be stored away discreetly without disturbing the experience of the restaurant (photo from urban outfitters)
De La Soul

De La Soul

Menu design for restaurant's modern take on soul food
