Perfil de Danielle Lastra

Motion Graphic Projects

Hype video for ETP Virtual Solutions 2020.
CEnanos is a nano-robotic medical device concept designed to live in your body and monitor a patient's blood. Designed specifically for patients with diabetes that constantly need to monitor, but can be used by anyone who wants to be vigilant about their health.
The next two videos are for the same project. Pauline is a puppet that was made from a faux flower basket. Her story begins before she was born with her mother, who was a flower in a large garden bed. Unfortunately, her mother was in the back corner and was never picked by the humans to be placed inside and admired for her beauty. The other flowers teased her for this relentlessly and she became very depressed. In the end she decided to let herself go, but before she did, she released her seeds into the air so that her children may grown somewhere better. That is how Pauline was born.
Pauline in a flower voo-doo doll with the personal mission is to avenge her mother's death by killing flowers that are mean, specifically the garden that drove her mother into such a depression. 

This project was done for a class and was meant to be as strange as possible - Enjoy.
Meat Face is a font that was created for the book project, "Feeding Them Lies". To make the digital font real ground beef was arranged in each letter, number, and glyph, photographed, edited for highest contrast and made solid black, and then image traced. This video is a fun "advertisement" for that font. 
The following is a Social Awareness video about littering and garbage. Imagine for a moment, that the roles were reversed between humans and sea creatures. What if all the creatures in the oceans were the ones dumping trash into our environment and we were getting caught up and choked by it all? What if we were the ones left suffering and struggling from their carelessness? It would suck. So maybe stop littering so much and clean up a sidewalk once in a while. 

*This may be hard for some to watch due to graphic images. It also has some pretty crazy sounds and flashes quickly. If you are epileptic, I would suggest not watching it. 

If this video makes you feel uncomfortable, it should. 
Motion Graphic Projects

Motion Graphic Projects
