Wes Louie's profile

Suckerpunch one sheet key art

Digital Art
Suckerpunch One sheets Key art finishing
The examples shown here may not match the final key art approved by Warner Brothers.  Some might have been adjusted slightly for print like the main(first) key art image below.  A few of these weren't approved or I didn't see them around, so I'm just guessing they weren't.

I worked on the finishing for this entire campaign for maybe 3-4 months.  The first image you see below is the main key art that's used when this film is searched for online.  I saw it across from Yankee Stadium while I was on the 87(Major Deegan)back in March of 2011 and it still looked good from far away.  I was brought in mainly for my concept art/matte experience and my use of dramatic lighting, particles, etc.

These are just a few images and I worked on so many different versions( along with the key art department) that I can't remember how many.  I'm guessing in the neighborhood of 40-50 different key art images.  The great thing was that even though some of the key art wasn't picked by Warner Brothers, the assets and finishing that I worked(just moving characters, muzzle flashes, particles, etc from one file to another) on are seen throughout all of the key art for the film(except for the banners done by Ignition).

I did move assets around in the compositions to make them better along with the finishing and matte painting, but the main designs for the key art were done by the in-house art directors or creative director.

The final, main key art image came in at around 4GB@300 dpi.

Very fun project and strangely enough, I've only done finishing on WB films.
Suckerpunch one sheet key art

Suckerpunch one sheet key art

