Profil użytkownika „Nahuel Corbellini”

HOGAR - Album & Brand design

Mixing two things you love can't be bad. Music and design are two of the things I most enjoy doing, and when my friends and I had a band for over two and a half years, I was stocked to do our own flyers and band identity. It was also a good chance for me to be my own client as graphic designer and to face a project in a more artistical way.

So, everytime we got a show I tried to put simple concepts and ideas (the name of the bar we were playing at, a political moment in Argentina, etc.) and give them a twist to make it 
a little bit akward, kind of how things feel when you are in a dream. The same happened with the album cover,
but in that case the question was: what does Home mean?.

The guys in the band were amazing and gave me total freedom, so it was all kind of doing whatever I thought was cool and could work for us, and this the result.

HOGAR - Album & Brand design


HOGAR - Album & Brand design

Whithin two and a half years of working in Hogar, as part of the band and as the designer at charge, I feel like Ive managed to open up our unive Rozwiń
