Perfil de Meggan Joy

"Miss Disquietude" // Digital Collage

"Miss Disquietude"

The beautiful and sometimes turbulent mind. (Possibly a self-portrait.) 

16" x 20" digital collage printed on 100% cotton rag paper with a matte finish and an inherent grainy texture. Edition of five. Dated and signed on verso. 
This print is part of my effort to add more "unattached" digital collages to my portfolio. "Unattached" meaning, small individual thoughts, or one-off ideas. All similar in how they are made, but different in intentions. (This might evolve into a mini-series, though.) 

I started thinking about this idea early last summer, during the middle of a panic attack, and just never found the right supplies until recently. 

I prefer to make sure that any animal parts used in my artwork died a natural death - which makes it a bit trickier, but not impossible. 

I spent about an hour photographing the wings, and some individual feathers on a black background. And then I put on the 60's corset bra (which was filled with about 3 pairs of socks) over a black shirt and had my husband photograph me. The black background being a tool to make sure that I was making it as easy as possible to composite these items together in camera. 

I did the same thing with the pearls, but only after I built the shape. So I would know what shape to put the pearls into. 

Two things that are very hard to cut out digitally are pearls and feathers. Very tedious, and there are no tricks, you just have to sit down and plow through it. (It took me about 4 days to make this, as I like to take long breaks.) 

I had hoped to record my digital collage process, but it was making my computer too slow. I did grab a few in process screen shots, though.
I really love the result. I want to make a few more versions of these, only with different animals. I already started sketching and planning. So keep in touch if you want to see more!

Thank you! 
"Miss Disquietude" // Digital Collage

"Miss Disquietude" // Digital Collage

A possible self-portrait made via digital collage.
