Quiet Ghosts of Delight and Disappointment

The story of my work lies in the process.
I make, I destroy, I apply and I remove.
Layers upon layers reveal what is and was once underneath.

The journey of life takes each of us through a unique landscape of relationships and events. Our sojurn in life is much like a train that passes rapidly through changing backdrops. Occasionally the train slows down enough for us to hop off, stretch our legs and take a moment to savour passing smells and sounds.

Compared to eternity, life and all it encompasses exists for a moment in time, yet as we pass through it, an etherial elelement of our presense remains. Silent ghosts of things said, decisions made and actions taken; delightful and captivating memories and others that echo of pain and disappointment. My creative process expresses this state of flux and the transient nature of the world, of situations and consequences experienced with joy, expectation, sadness or loss.

Colours, figures, faces, the wild outdoors and fabricated things form pictures in my mind. Layers of paint and texture reveal traces of something barely recognisable left behind. Images morph, dissolve and flow as they intertwine and become almost recognisable but remain elusively abstract.

After viewers have had their own particular and unique encounter with my work, my hope is that they will have been captivated, refreshed and left with a desire to discover even more ambiguous and enigmatic elements in each artwork.
"Evening Undercurrent"
mixed media on canvas
"From Ashes"
mixed media on canvas
mixed media on canvas
"Sun Sound"
mixed media on canvas
mixed media on canvas
"Pretense" DETAIL
mixed media on canvas
"Veneer" DETAIL
mixed media on canvas
"Scuffed" DETAIL
"It was"
mixed media on paper
"Windy day"
mixed media on paper
"In the garden"
mixed media on board
mixed media on paper
"Distressed Orange"
mixed media on paper
"Sun. Wind. Dust."
mixed media on paper
mixed media on board
"Beautiful Mountain"
mixed media on paper
"Forest Rust"
mixed media on board
"Sweet Scent"
mixed media on card
"Waiting rain"
mixed media on card
"Where are you?"
mixed media on card
"Where I find myself"
mixed media on card
"Wind and dust"
mixed media on paper
mixed media on paper
"Orange hue"
mixed media on card

