"Untitled | Frames"
35mm Ilford hp5+ film. 2015-2016.
These prints are the result of what I know and what I don’t. While I had control of the darkroom process, I did not have entire control of the photographic one. As I shot I thought less of what the outcome would be, wondering how the exposures would overlap, and paid attention more to what was in front of me- being that my friends, an interesting natural form, or a desolate town at 4 in the morning. This relationship between the known and the unknown is important to me as I believe that it is useless to try to control every single aspect of one’s life and yet, it is conversely nonsensical to live without direction. Rather, by being impartial and working somewhere in the middle, I find some of my best work is made. This series demonstrates the culmination of this experimental approach.
Untitled | Frames

Untitled | Frames

35mm film double exposures
