Project Name: Shopping site for internet client.
Date: January 2017
Skills Required: Project Management (OniFocus, Google..etc), Team Connection Program(Slack, Google platforms), Wordpress structure, Electronic banking and secure SSL connections. Shopping platform (Cart, Promotion code...etc), web hosting services.

Clear images for products, flexible menus for fast and easy navigation "add to cart". Right side bar contained a short list of the add to cart function with the financial perspective.
Detailed information always will be easy to find wherever you are in the site
Space for reviews from customers. A blog for long discussions and short feedback from trusted clients. Rating system integration for fast eye-catching products.
The project built on one of the most secure systems for financial transactions. With the ability to use all kind of payment methods. 
To make sure our client is completely satisfied and under control with having a number of unique services for updating, managing and analyzing data and database payments workflows.
Thanks for your time
Shopping site
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