The Ultimate Gap Year

The practice of taking a year-long break between high school and college/university before continuing one's educational pursuit is popularly known as a gap year, and is undertaken to promote personal development as well as gain experience before pursuing higher education. Although it is more common in countries tied to Britain (where the practice is thought to have originated), the idea is slowly gaining ground around the globe.

The Ultimate Gap Year (TUGY) is an effort by the Naked Travel team to offer a gap year experience that is figuratively out of this world and literally unforgettable. The package offered would make the gap year process less painful and impactful for those about to undertake the experience.

Right off the bat, the main challenge for ZHOA was to create a brand identity that would appeal to the youths who would undertake a gap year experience - so it needed an iconic look that would instantly be recognisable, visible, and cool - and creating a literal icon is exactly what ZHOA did.

A dynamic logo was created, using lines and colours reminiscent of the London Underground's subway maps, and became symbolic of the globe which the youths move around. Additionally, familiar landmarks from all over the world - including the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, the Itsukushima Shrine, and the PETRONAS Twin Towers - were rendered into simple but easily-identifiable line drawings, to be used for all collateral promotional materials, including ads, posters, and wearables.

And yes, the results look super cool...
The Ultimate Gap Year

The Ultimate Gap Year

This has to be it, the best of all the big gap year destinations in one trip. We’ll take you right round the world with stops everywhere you coul Read More
