queen of hearts
composite image, self-portrait en tableau 
This piece was one of three to win Best of Show and First Place in the "Of Memory, Bone and Myth" show in 2011.

Please allow me to explain...
This project was part of a photo challenge I issued to a local photo club of which I am a member. The prompt was to bring in an object to the next meeting. I had everyone draw someone else's name and that was the prop we were to design an image around. I ended up with an X-ray and scissors. 

This piece is about being torn between two choices.

The braces holding up the X-ray frame once belonged to my Great-Great Grandfather. They are hand forged pipe clamps and this image is just their debut. I love how they temper a photo so I plan to use them in future projects.
queen of hearts

queen of hearts

A composite image, self-portrait en tableau
