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幽易書/Yee Gothic


Yee Gothic・The 24 Solar Terms
It's inspired by the structure of Chinese cursive script and the shape of modern gothic typeface. The Chinese calligraphy refers to the works of famous calligraphers including Xizhi Wang, Gou Zhao, Qichang Dong and so on. It's a blend of the solid from western calligraphy broad pen and the flow from Chinese writing brush.
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幽易書/Yee Gothic
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幽易書/Yee Gothic

幽易書・廿四節氣 用黑体寫行草,漢字造型主要參考王羲之、唐人月儀帖、趙構、董其昌等的書法作品,融合西文平頭筆的硬實与漢字毛筆的流幻。流而多變,《周易正義》曰:易者,變化之總名,故取「易」字。字以方為形,《淮南子》曰:方者主幽,再得「幽」字。遂取名『幽易書』。 Yee Gothic・The Daha Fazla Bilgi

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