Jiajun Liu's profile

Building Virtual Worlds

- Worked in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams of five.
- Designed and implemented interactive worlds in an average two-week cycle.
- Developed Unity projects as a programmer on platforms including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Leap Motion.
The following two games that was chosen out of 80 for the ETC Festival:
This VR game is featured in the GDC 2017 Talk: Lessons Learned from a Thousand Virtual Worlds
- Team Size: 5
- Work Cycle: 2 weeks
- Platform: HTC Vive
You are trapped inside a cabin, and a T-rex is ready to strike. Defend yourself and your companion using everything you can find! Experience a three-minute dramatic, cinematic action in the Jurassic World.
In this project, the team mostly experienced with cinematic spectaculars. Through early playtests, we easily found that running around the room, picking up objects to block the incoming dinosaur to be pretty engaging. Then we carefully placed a series of events to make sure the player’s emotion keeps escalating.
Storyboard for the cinematic sequence. The flare(light changing), room breaking and the grand finale with exploding gas can are all in the design.
For the cinematic part, we especially looked at how the change of lighting would affect. The lighting changes three times during the game session — the dimmed yellow light at the beginning, the red flare light during the climax, and the final bright white spotlight from the helicopter. These changes can actually trigger different reactions and emotional states of the player.
- Team Size: 5
- Work Cycle: 1 week
- Platform: PC, EyeTrack(eye tracking device)
What is the platform?
This world makes use of the Eyegaze to track the guest’s eyes.
What is the guest doing?
The guest must fill out a pre-interview questionnaire – on one-half of the screen – while ensuring that they maintain eye contact with their interviewer on a Skype window on the other half of the screen. Questions become increasingly difficult, so as the guest progresses they are challenged more to fill in the answers without the interviewer noticing.
What is the goal?
The guest must complete the task within an allotted amount of time – the duration of the interview – or fail. The guest also fails if he/she is caught not making eye contact with the interviewer five times.
The team started with a lot of thoughts, but none of them played well. Therefore, we looked for the one platform with the most restriction and limitation — the EyeTracker.
This game — keeping eye contact while there is a lot of distraction going on — is tested right away. We had team members sit across each other and try to keep eye contact while another person does his best to distract the player. The result is clear. The mechanic is validated without even a prototype on paper.
Early prototype design for the virtual desktop. At this time there are only distractions, but no input fields at all. Later in testing we found inputting answers while keeping eye contact is more engaging, thus developed the 50/50 layout.
Because the guest will have to look at a computer screen, we decide to play with it. You need to look into a window on your desktop, while distractions keep popping up. And if you are sitting in front of a computer, why not make the keyboard and mouse act as usual? — The withered technology made its comeback. Many of the features in this game is inspired not by the freedom of the platform, but in contrast, the limitation of it.
Building Virtual Worlds

Building Virtual Worlds

Rapid-prototyped interactive worlds featured in GDC 2017.
