Monticello is a Café located in South Jakarta, Indonesia. They are proud to call themselves a little Italian Café. It is specialized on fine and authentic Italian coffee drink, ready to satisfy Jakartan’s daily pleasure in a cup of coffee. 

Observing that a lot of people actually could not differentiate café latte and cappuccino (for example), Monticello designed a menu that actually informs the consumer about the details of each beverage (e.g. cappuccino is the blend between espresso, steamed milk and milk foam; all in the same portion. While Café latte has more steamed milk than milk foam in a serving). This will literally assist the consumer to genuinely know what do they order.

To keep the consumer on coming back, Monticello has a name card that is double-used as a loyalty card. For every time consumer buy a beverage, they will get 1 stamp-chop that if accumulated into 10 stamp-chops, the consumer will get 1 free beverage from the café. It is indeed a 2-in-1concept.

Having turquoise as the main branding color; Monticello means to radiate peace, calm and tranquility of blue with the uplifting energy of yellow. Turquoise also heightens levels of creativity and sensitivity (the most common reason of why people wants to drink a cup of coffee). After all, Turquoise is a vibrant color that needs the serenity of black and white to calm it down. The overall branding design for the little Italian café should look classic, yet contemporary and informative.
 Menu Design
 Name Card + Loyalty Card (2-in-1)


A branding for Monticello, A little Italian Cafe. It is a Café located in South Jakarta, Indonesia. It specialized on fine and authentic Italian Read More
